Friday, May 10, 2013

Nodes Reference

The Nodes toolbar is located on the left of the NukeX interface. All nodes can be accessed from it. By default, this toolbar contains 17 buttons. When you choose a button from this toolbar, a menu containing a list of nodes associated with that button will be displayed. The functions of these buttons and the nodes under them are discussed next.

This button is used to access the Read and Write nodes, miscellaneous NukeX elements, and Viewer nodes. Brief description of these nodes is given next:

Read: This node is used to load an image from the disk.
Write: This node is used to write the output of all upstream nodes connected to it.
UDIM Import: This node is used to import a set of texture patches that follow the UDIM numbering scheme.
Constant: This node is used to produce a constant color image.
CheckerBoard: This node is used to generate a checkerboard image which can be used as a placeholder for a texture or background.
ColorBars: This node is used to generate the SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) color bar test pattern.
ColorWheel: This node is used to generate a color wheel image.
CurveTool: This node is used to create an animation curve. This curve can be used to control the size and position of the black areas, exposure changes, and luminance in a sequence.
Viewer: This node is used to display the render output of the process node in the Viewer panel.

This button is used to access the rotoscopy, grain, lens flare, and vector based nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Roto: This node is specifically used for rotoscopy. It is used to create Bezier and B-Spline roto shapes.
RotoPaint: This node is similar to the Roto node with the only difference that by using the RotoPaint node, you can perform tasks such as rig removal, dustbusting, and garbage removal.
Dither: This node is used to add random noise to an image to hide the quantization effects.
DustBust: This node is used to remove dust or scratches from the images. It clones multiple areas from a source to a destination.
Grain: This node is used for adding synthetic grain to a footage.
ScannedGrain: This node is used to apply the actual scans of the film grain to the input image to replicate the grain of the scanned film stock.
Glint: This node is used to create star-shaped points around the brighter points in an image.
Grid: This node is used to draw a grid of horizontal and vertical lines.
Flare: This node is used to simulate the lens flare effect.
LightWrap: This node is used to wrap the light from the background onto the foreground object.
MarkerRemoval: This node is used to remove tracking markers from a footage by using the roto shapes.
Noise: This node is used to apply various types of seamless noise to the image, based on the perlin noise algorithm.
Radial: This node is used to generate a radial gradation ramp.
Ramp: This node is used to generate a gradient ramp. However, its usage is obsolete now.
Rectangle: This node is used to generate a solid color rectangle shape.
Sparkles: This node is used to generate sparkles or rays.
Text: This node is used to add text overlays on the images.

This button is used to access time management nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Add 3:2 pulldown: This node is used to convert a 24fps film to 29.97fps interlaced video.
Remove 3:2 pulldown: This node is used to remove a 3:2 pull-down from the input image.
AppendClip: This node is used to append one clip to another. It can be used to join the clips, add transitions between clips, and slip edit the clips.
FrameBlend: This node is used to interpolate frames by blending the frame that precede and follow it.
FrameHold: This node is used return a constant frame from the input. If the frame increment is set to a non zero values, this node will return every nth frame.
FrameRange: This node is used to set a range of frames.
Kronos: This node is a retime node and used to slow down or speed up the image sequence.
OFlow: This node is used to slow down or speedup the input footage. Additionally, you can add the motion blur to an image or enhance the motion blur already applied to an image.
Retime: This node is used to change the timing of the input clip. You can use this node to slow down, speed up, and reverse frames in an input image.
TemporalMedian: This node is used to remove grain from the footage by calculating the median of the current frame, the frame before, and the frame after the current frame.
TimeBlur: This node is used to generate temporal motion blur.
NoTimeBlur: This node is used to avoid unwanted computations in blur operations.
TimeEcho: This node is used to generate echo like effects by merging a range of frames into a single frame.
TimeOffset: This node is used to move the input clip forward or backward in time.
TimeWarp: This node is used to change the timing of the input clip.
TimeClip: This node is used to move the input image forward or backward in time.
VectorGenerator: This node is used to produce images containing motion vector field.

This button is used to access channel management nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Shuffle: This node is used to rearrange up to eight channels in a data stream.
ShuffleCopy: This node is used to reorder up to eight channels from two inputs. Also, it is used to copy channels between data streams.
Copy: This node is used to replace channels in the B input with channels from the A input.
ChannelMerge: This node is used to merge two channels. The result of the merge operation is saved in the selected output channel.
Add: This node is used to add a channel to an image.
Remove: This node is used to remove channels from an image.

This button is used to access color correction nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Math (Add): This node is used to offset values of a channel.
Math (Multiply): This node is used to multiply values of a channel by a factor.
Math (Gamma): This node is used to apply a constant gamma value to a set of channels.
Math (ClipTest): This node is used to create zebra stripes for the colors that are outside the specified range.
Math (ColorMatrix): This node is used to transform a color channel. It multiplies the RGB colors by an arbitrary 3x3 matrix.
Math (Expression): This node is used to reference pixels in other channels by using C like syntax expressions.
OCIO (OCIO CDLTransform): This node is used to apply an ASC CDL (American Society of Cinematographers Colors Decesion List) grade based on the OpenColorIO library.
OCIO (OCIO ColorSpace): This node is similar to the regular ColorSpace node but it is based on the OpenColorIO library.
OCIO (OCIO Display): This node is used to apply a colorspace conversion to an image sequence.
OCIO (OCIO FileTransform): This node is used to load a colorspace conversion from a file and then apply it using the OpenColorIO library.
OCIO (OCIO LogConvert): This node is used to convert compositing log data to scene linear data.
3D LUT (CMSTestPattern): This node is used to generate calibration patterns for color management.
3D LUT (GenerateLUT): This node is used to generate color management lookup tables.
3D LUT (Vectorfield - Apply 3D LUT): This node is used to transform the input colors based on the 3D vectors.
Clamp: This node is used to clamp all channels to the 0-1 range.
ColorLookup: This node is used to make gamma, gain, and contrast adjustments to an input image using the lookup tables.
Colorspace: This node is used to convert images from one color space into another.
ColorTransfer: This node is used to change the color of an image to match the color of another image.
ColorCorrect: This node is used to adjust the ranges of shadows, midtones, and highlights of an input image.
Crosstalk: This node is used to add or remove crosstalk or bleeding between color channels.
Exposure: This node is used to adjust the exposure of the input footage.
Grade: This node is used to define the black and white points by sampling pixels from the from the Viewer.
Histogram: This node is used to plot the incoming image as a histogram. It also allows tonal range corrections.
HistEQ: This node is used to equalize the histogram of an image.
HueCorrect: This node is used to make precision adjustments to the levels of saturation in the range of hues.
HueShift: This node is used to transform the colorspace of an image by using the CIE XYZ colorspace.
HSVTool: This node is used to adjust the HSV components of an input image.
Invert: This node is used to invert values of a channels.
Log2Lin: This node is used to perform the log2lin or lin2log conversion used by Cineon files.
PLogLin: This node is used to convert the color space between logarithmic and linear based on a single gray point.
MinColor: This node is used to calculate the difference between the darkest value in the input image and the target value. Thus, the darkest pixel becomes the value.
Posterize: This node is used to reduce the color resolution of an image.
RollOffContrast: This node is used to implement a contrast curve with a smooth falloff equally across all channels.
Saturation: This node is used to change the saturation of the incoming image data.
Sampler: This node is used to convert the scanline of pixel data into a lookup curve.
SoftClip: This node is used to compress the high dynamic range imagery into the 0-1 range.
Toe: This node is used to lift the black levels without much affecting the whites in the input image.
TrueLight: This node is used to preview the final look of the film on the monitor display. This technology had been developed by the Filmlight.

This button is used to access the blur and sharpen nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Blur: This node is used to apply blur to an image using various filter algorithms.
Bilateral: This node is used to smoothen the images while preserving their edges.
BumpBoss: This node is used to produce an emboss effect by overlapping the A input with the B input.
Convolve: This node is used to create custom filter effects using the user specified filter images.
Defocus: This node is used to apply the defocus effect on an image using the disc filter.
DegrainBlue: This node is used to reduce noise in the blue channel.
DegrainSimple: This node is used to reduce noise in the red, green, and blue channels.
DirBlur: This node is used to apply various types of directional blur effects.
Denoise: This node is used to remove noise from the input image without losing image quality.
EdgeBlur: This node is used to apply blur to the edges within the matte.
EdgeDetect: This node is used to detect the edges of an image and blur them.
Emboss: This node is used to produce the emboss effect by offsetting the original input.
Erode (fast): This node is used to erode or dilate RGBA channels. It applies the Box Morphological filter.
Erode (filter): This node is similar to the Erode(fast) but it is computational intensive. You can improve the erode quality using the options available in the filter drop-down.
Erode (blur): This node is used to erode or dilate RGBA channels by using blur.
Glow: This node is used to generate the glow effect.
GodRays: This node is used to produce godrays, lighting, and blur effects.
Laplacian: This node is used to blur the image and then subtract the original image from the blurred image.
LevelSet: This node is used to create high quality dilate or unpremultiply operations.
Matrix: This node is used to apply a custom convolution matrix onto an image.
Median: This node is used to remove the single pixel noise without compromising the quality of the input image.
MotionBlur: This node is used to add blur based on the movement of the object in the scene.
MotionBlur2D: This node is used to output UV vectors for the VectorBlur node.
MotionBlur3D: This node is used to output the UV vectors that can be used to run the vector blur operator to produce multi-blur. It is specifically used for camera moves.
Sharpen: This node is used to sharpen the specific channels using the laplacian.
Soften: This node is used to produce the same effect as that of the Sharpen node, with the only difference being that the Laplacian effect is added to the original.
VectorBlur: This node is used to generate the motion blur by blurring each pixel into a straight line.
VolumeRays: This node is used to create the ray lighting effects.
ZSlice: This node is used to select a slice from the input image by using the Z-Depth channel.
ZDefocus: This node is used to blur the image using the depth map channel.

This button is used to access the matte extracting nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Difference: This node is used to produce the difference between two images as a matte.
HueKeyer: This node is used to calculate the hue of the incoming image and then uses the amount lookup curve to define the value to output in the alpha channel.
IBKGizmo: This node is used to generate matte by using the processed screen image (clean plate).
IBKColour: This node is used to process the screen image to be used with the IBKGizmo node.
Keyer: This node is used to pull the key from an image. It is a simple keyer.
Primatte: This node is used to pull the key from an image using the 3D RGB color space.
Keylight: This keyer is an advanced blue and green screen keyer.
Ultimatte: This node is used to pull the key from an image. It is an advanced keyer developed by Ultimate Corporation. It preserves fine details such as hair and smoke.

This button is used to access various merge nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

AddMix: This node uses the alpha of the A input to index two color correction lookup curves. The first input is used to multiply the A input, the second input is used to multiply the B input, and the results are added together.
KeyMix: This node is used to layer two images using a roto shape or an image as mask.
ContactSheet: This node is used to generate a contact sheet for all its inputs.
CopyBBox: This node is used to copy the bounding box from the A input onto the B stream.
CopyRectangle: This node copies a rectangle from the A input. It can be used to limit an effect to a specific area of the image.
Dissolve: This node is used to cross dissolve images with the help of weighted average of the two inputs.
LayerContactSheet: This node is used to generate a contact sheet from all channel sets.
Merge: This node is used for a pixel-by-pixel merge operation between input images.
Merges (Plus): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to plus by default. It merges images together using the A+B compositing algorithm.
Merges (Matte): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to matte by default.
Merges (Multiply): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to multiply by default. It merges images together using the AB, A if A<0 and B<0 compositing algorithm.
Merges (In): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to in by default.
Merges (Out): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to out by default. It merges images together using the A(1-b) compositing algorithm where b is the alpha value from the input B.
Merges (Screen): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to screen by default. It merges images together using the A+B-AB if A or B ≤1, otherwise max(A,B) compositing algorithm.
Merges (Max): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to max by default.
Merges (Min): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to min by default. It merges images together using the min(A,B) compositing algorithm.
Merges (Absminus): This node is similar to the Merge node. In this node, the operation option is set to difference by default. It merges images together using the abs(A-B) compositing algorithm.
Merge Expression: This node is used to perform mathematical operations on channels using TCL expressions.
Switch: This node is used to switch between any numbers of inputs.
TimeDissolve: This node is used to dissolve two input data streams, starting the dissolve at the in frame and ending at the out frame.
Premult: This node is used to multiply all channels by the alpha channel.
UnPremult: This node is used to divide all channels by the alpha channel.
Blend: This node is used to blend images by creating weighted average of all inputs.
ZMerge: This node is used to merge images based on the Z channel.

This button is used to access transformation nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Transform: This node is used to reposition, scale, and move an image in the 2D space.
TransformMasked: This node is similar to the Transform node. However, it also provides controls for assigning a mask to protect certain areas of the frame from being transformed.
Card3D: This node is used to transform an image as it was printed on a flat card and placed in front of the camera. It gives you an additional z-axis for transformations that the Transform node does not provide.
AdjustBBox: This node is used to expand or crop the edges of the bounding box.
BlackOutside: This node is used to add black pixels outside an edge to the bounding box.
CameraShake: This node is used to add random camera shake including the motion blur.
Crop: This node is used to crop an image.
CornerPin: This node is used to map the four corners of an image sequence using the information taken from the tracking data.
SphericalTransform: This node is used to convert an environment map into another type of environment map from the HDR images.
IDistort: This node is used to distort an image based on UV channels.
LensDistortion: This node is used to apply or remove simple lens distortion. This node is only available in NukeX.
Mirror: This node is used to flip the image around the center of the format image area.
Position: This node is used to move the input by an integer number of pixels.
Reformat: This node is used to convert one image format (width/height) into another image format.
Reconcile3D: This node is used to project a user-specified 3D point through a connected camera onto the screen space.
Points3D: This node is used to extract 3D coordinates of 2D points.
PlanarTracker: This node is used to track surfaces that lie in a plane on the input image. It is only available in NukeX.
Tracker: This node is used to track a 2D motion with the in-built match-move functions.
TVIScale: This node is used to scale an image by a factor of two.
GridWarp: This node is used to transfer image information from a bezier grid to another bezier grid.
SplineWarp: This node is used to transform a source image from its original shape into a deformed image using multiple Bezier or B-spline curves.
Stabilize: This node is used to remove the unwanted camera movement in the image sequence.
STMap: This node is used to move pixels in an image.
Tile: This node is used to create the titled copies of the input image.

This button is used to access 3D compositing nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Axis: This node is used to define a 3D transformation axis to the scene to which you can parent other objects.
Geometry (Card): This node is used to create a plane.
Geometry (Cube): This node is used to generate a 3D cube.
Geometry (Cylinder): This node is used to generate a 3D cylinder.
Geometry (DepthToPoints): This node is a gizmo that contains the DepthToPosition and PositionToPoints nodes. It is used to generate a 3D point cloud using a depth pass and 3D camera.
Geometry (ModelBuilder): This node is used to create 3D models from 2D images.
Geometry (PointCloudGenerator): This node is used to analyze an input image sequence and generate a point cloud using the CameraTracker node. This node is only available in NukeX.
Geometry (PositionToPoints): This node is used to generate a 3D point cloud from an input image, such as a position pass.
Geometry (PoissonMesh): This node is used to generate a mesh using a dense point cloud. This node is only available in NukeX.
Geometry (Sphere): This node is used to generate a 3D sphere.
Geometry (ReadGeo): This node is used to import a geometry.
Geometry (WriteGeo): This node is used to write the geometry to an external file.
Lights (Light): This node is used to create light and it has three light types: point, directional, and spot.
Lights (Point): This node is used to create a point light that emits light in all directions.
Lights (Direct): This node is used to emit light in one direction.
Lights (Spot): This node is a point in 3D space that emits a cone-shaped light in a given direction.
Lights (Environment): This node is used to produce light from the HDR image.
Lights (Relight): This node is used to relight an image using the 3D lights if the image contains the normal and point position passes.
Modify (TransformGeo): This node is used to transform the input image in 3D space.
Modify (MergeGeo): This node is used to merge all input geometries into one geometry.
Modify (CrosstalkGeo): This node is used to offer direct global control over each of the vertices on geometry using the crosstalk curves.
Modify (DisplaceGeo): This node is used to modify the shape of the geometry based on an image.
Modify (GeoSelect): This node is used to select individual vertices on a 3D object.
Modify (LookupGeo): This node is used to modify the shape of the 3D geometry using the lookup curves.
Modify (LogGeo): This node moves the XYZ position of the points by raising a value to a power.
Modify (Normals): This node is used to adjust the normals of the object.
Modify (ProceduralNoise): This node is used to modify objects using Perlin noise.
Modify (RadialDistort): This node is used to warp the points to create a pin-cushion like distortion.
Modify (Triliniear): This node warps points by using the trilinear interpolation lattice.
Modify (UVProject): This node is used to specify the UV coordinates for an object.
Modify (RenderMan-ModifyRIB): This node is used to insert RIB statements into the script.
Shader (ApplyMaterial): This node is used to apply a material/shader to a geometry by using the mat input.
Shader (BasicMaterial): This node is used to apply the basic emissive, diffuse, and specular materials to the geometry.
Shader (Displacement): This node is used to apply displacement mapping. It adds geometrical details to the surface of an object.
Shader (FillMat): This node is used to add a constant color into the selected material channels.
Shader (MergeMat): This node is used to combine the multiple project 3D shaders.
Shader (BlendMat): This node is used to blend the pixels colored by the material with the background pixels.
Shader (Project3D): This node is used to project an input image through camera onto the 3D object.
Shader (Diffuse): This node is used to shade an image using the diffuse lambertian lighting calculations.
Shader (Emission): This node is used to simulate emissive lighting such as light emitting from a lamp.
Shader (Phong): This node is used to create accurate shading and highlights using the phong shading algorithm.
Shader (Specular): This node is used to apply specular lighting to a selected color layer.
Shader (Displacement): This node is similar to the DisplaceGeo node but it only displaces those parts of the geometry which are visible at any given moment, thus saving the render time.
Shader (UVTile): This node is used to modify the coordinates of a UV patch while projecting textures onto an object.
Shader (RenderMan - Reflection): This node is used to apply reflection to a surface.
Shader (RenderMan - Refraction): This node is used to apply refraction to a surface.
Camera: This node is used to define a projection to be used by a 3D renderer. It adds a camera to the scene.
CameraTracker: This node is used to track an image sequence to create a virtual camera whose movement that of the original camera.
DepthGenerator: This node is used to generate a depth map from the input image.
DepthToPosition: This node is used to create a position pass from a depth map and 3D camera.
ProjectionSolver: This node is used to solve a camera for a set of known 3D points. This node is only available in NukeX.
Scene: This node is used to group more than one piece of geometry, lights, and camera.
ScanlineRender: This node is used to render a scene.
RenderMan (PrmanRender): This node works with Pixar’s RenderMan to generate quality output. This node is only available in NukeX.

This button is used to access the particles nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

ParticleEmitter: This node is used to emit particles.
ParticleBounce: This node is used to make 3D particles bounce off a 3D shape.
ParticleCurve: This node is used to apply a curve to particle controls such as size or mass.
ParticleDirectionalForce: This node is used to apply a directional force to the particles.
ParticleDrag: This node is used to apply drag to the particles to change their speed gradually.
ParticleExpression: This node is used to adjust the properties of the particles using expressions.
ParticleMerge: This node is used to merge multiple particle sets into one stream.
ParticleMotionAlign: This node is used to align a particle stream to the direction of their motion.
ParticleGravity: This node is used to apply gravity to the particles.
ParticleLookAt: This node is used to create a 3D point on which all particles look at the specified range.
ParticlePointForce: This node is used to attract or repel the particles to form a point in 3D space.
ParticleSpeedLimit: This node is used to restrict particles to a specified minimum and maximum speed.
ParticleSpawn: This node is used to emit particles from other particles.
ParticleTurbulence: This node is used to apply noise to the particle movement thus dispersing the particles in 3D space.
ParticleVortex: This node is used to apply a circular force to the particles to attract them to an imaginary line.
ParticleWind: This node is used to apply a wind force to the particles.
ParticleSettings: This node is used to control the number of calculation steps taking place per animation frame.
ParticleToGeo: This node is used to create a 3D geometry for particles in the specified channels.

This button is used to access the deep pixels nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next.

DeepColorCorrect: This node is used to color correct the deep images.
DeepCrop: This node is used as a regular Crop node to crop the deep images inside or outside the crop box. Also, it can be used to crop the deep data in front of or behind certain planes in depth.
DeepExpression: This node is used to apply TCL expressions to the deep data.
DeepFromFrames: This node is used to copy multiple frames from the input 2D image to sample a single deep frame.
DeepFromImage: This node is used to convert a standard image to a deep image.
DeepHoldout: This node is used to remove or fade out samples in the main input that are occluded by samples in the holdout input.
DeepMerge: This node is used to merge samples from multiple deep images.
DeepRead: This node is used to load deep images from the disk.
DeepRecolor: This node is used to merge the color input and the depth input.
DeepReformat: This node is similar to the Reformat node for deep images.
DeepSample: This node is used to pick samples from the deep image.
DeepToImage: This node is used to flatten a deep image.
DeepToPoints: This node is used to transform the deep pixel samples into points in 3D space, so that a point cloud is formed.
DeepTransform: This node is used to reposition the deep data.
DeepWrite: This node is used to write deep data to files.

This button is used to access the views and stereoscopic view nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Stereo (Anaglyph): This node is used to make an anaglyph image out of inputs.
Stereo (MixViews): This node is used to mix two views together.
Stereo (SideBySide): This node is used to put the left and right views of the input next to each other.
Stereo (ReConverge): This node is used to shift convergence so that any selected point appears at screen depth when viewed with the 3D glasses.
JoinViews: This node is used to join the left and right views to make stereo output.
OneView: This node is used to take one view from input for processing.
ShuffleViews: This node is used to swap the left and right views in the script.
Split and Join: This node can be used to split the view to apply processing to one view only. You can join them together later on.

This button is used to access the metadata management nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

ViewMetaData: This node is used to view the metadata of input.
CompareMetaData: This node is used to compare the metadata of two inputs.
ModifyMetaData: This node is used to alter the metadata being passed through the tree.
CopyMetaData: This node is used to copy metadata from one image to another.
AddTimeCode: This node is used to add a timecode to metadata.

This button is used to access the toolset management nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Create: This node is used to add a toolset to the toolbar.
Particle: This node is used to access various toolsets such as P_DustHit, P_FogBox, P_RainBox, P_SnowBox, P_Sparks, P_Streaky, P_Trail, P_VolumetricLight, and P_Waveform to create various particle effects.
Delete: This node is used to delete the toolset created earlier.

This button is used to access the script and viewer management nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

Assert: This node is used to test the validity of a user-specified TCL expression.
AudioRead: This node is used to import the audio file and view it in the Curve Editor panel. Then, you can line the audio file with your composition.
Backdrop: This node is used to visually group nodes in the Node Graph panel.
DiskCache: This node is used to cache the data stream to hard drive.
Dot: This node is used to make bends. The input data passed through this node remains unchanged.
Input: This node is used to add an input arrow to a group.
Output: This node is used to add an output arrow to a group.
NoOp: This node is used to pass data stream unchanged through itself.
PostageStamp: This node displays a very small thumbnail of the image in the Node Graph panel.
Group: This node is a nesting container for a group of nodes.
Precomp: This node is used to read a precomp script.
StickyNote: This node is used to add a sticky note to the Node Graph panel.
All plugins: This option is used to display a menu that lists all nodes and plugins including unsupported nodes, if any.

Furnace Core
This button is used to access the Furnace plugin nodes. The nodes under this button are discussed next:

F_Align: This node is used to calculate the positions of 4 corner pins so that each frame in one shot is aligned with the corresponding frame in a second reference shot.
F_DeFlicker2: This node is used to remove flicker from an image.
F_MatchGrade: This node is used to analyze two clips and it attempts to make their color range look the same.
F_ReGrain: This node is used to add grain to a sequence.
F_RigRemoval: This node is used to remove foreground elements from an image sequence.
F_Steadiness: This node is used to calculate a four-corner pin using Global Motion Estimation (GME) on a clip so that all the frames in a clip are locked to a single frame.
F_WireRemoval: This node is used to digitally remove wire from a clip.

This article is taken from the Nuke Book: The Foundry Nuke 7 for Compositors.

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